Health & Wellness

Dr. Amir Tahernia talks about plastic surgery trends

Dr. Amir Tahernia talks about plastic surgery trends

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
What is the new facelift? Is there such a thing? What are the latest trends in plastic surgery? Lisa Remillard of BeondTV talks with Dr. Amir Tahernia. He points out some of the newest and latest innovations you need to know.
Philecia La’Bounty interview

Philecia La’Bounty interview

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
She was sitting in a movie theater and adjusted her sports bra. That’s when Philecia La’Bounty’s life changed forever. She was soon diagnosed with breast cancer. She talks about her life and experiences with Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard. Hear what she went through and what she hopes people will learn.
How Age Impacts Your Weight

How Age Impacts Your Weight

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Carlos talks to Dr. Avital Harari about what we need to do to make sure we aren’t gaining weight as we age.
Dangers of Vaping with Dr. Omar Durani

Dangers of Vaping with Dr. Omar Durani

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard discuss the dangers of vaping. Dr. Omar Durani weighs in and talks about what vaping does to the body, and what we still don’t know about the practice.
Prostate Cancer Awareness

Prostate Cancer Awareness

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Christine Jones of the Prostate Cancer Foundation tells us what men need to be doing to stay healthy.
Dr. Darshan Shah – Biomarkers

Dr. Darshan Shah – Biomarkers

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Dr. Darshan Shah talks to Carlos and Lisa about biomarkers and why they are important to our long-term health.