In Real Life

Dining in restaurants yet? Yes or No?

Dining in restaurants yet? Yes or No?

Jun 18, 2020 | 11:55pm
Both Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard went out to eat (separately) last weekend. Have you been at a dine-in restaurant yet? Lisa was so excited she says she got overly dressed up! Are you ready to eat out in a restaurant yet? Share with us your experiences on our YouTube page!
Are you ready to get on an airplane? Carlos did.

Are you ready to get on an airplane? Carlos did.

Jun 17, 2020 | 7:03pm
Carlos Amezcua got on an airplane recently and is telling Lisa Remillard about his experience. Are you ready to get on an airplane yet? How do you feel about travel during the pandemic?
Learning how to churn butter or bake bread? You’re not alone

Learning how to churn butter or bake bread? You’re not alone

May 20, 2020 | 9:53pm
Quarantine has taught many of us new things. Sourdough starters are way up and so are searches for how to make butter. Actors Jason Priestly and Jennifer Garner both post lots of cooking on social media. Maybe we just want to be more self-reliant, or perhaps it’s because people just have more time on their […]
Carlos & Lisa both take COVID antibody tests

Carlos & Lisa both take COVID antibody tests

May 13, 2020 | 10:19pm
Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard both were able to take COVID antibody tests this past weekend. They show you how they took the tests at home. Both were really sick earlier this year and convinced there was at least a chance that they had had it. Both tests came back negative. These tests are available […]
No pants, no problem? Well, not if you’re on TV

No pants, no problem? Well, not if you’re on TV

May 1, 2020 | 5:06pm
Will Reeve appeared this week on GMA via zoom like many reporters these days. But Will didn’t realize that his shot was wider than he thought, exposing what looked like his underwear. Will tweeted a quick explanation after the screen shot went viral. He says he was planning to work out right after the segment […]
How Governor Newsom plans to reopen California

How Governor Newsom plans to reopen California

May 1, 2020 | 5:01pm
Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard discuss Newsom’s plan to reopen. Don’t worry, we aren’t clear either. Carlos and Lisa discuss what they are hearing from their friends and family over the plans to reopen California.
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo talks about his daughter’s boyfriend

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo talks about his daughter’s boyfriend

Apr 23, 2020 | 4:06am
Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard are talking about their must-see TV right now – and that’s Governor Andrew Cuomo’s morning press conferences. He recently discussed his adult daughter’s relationship with a reporter! We are loving this man’s candid family chats.
Grocery shopping is weird right now, right?

Grocery shopping is weird right now, right?

Apr 15, 2020 | 11:01pm
We’ve been to the store, and just like the rest of America, we’ve found the experience to be very strange. Lisa describes it as “zombie apocalypse” and Carlos just liked chatting with the lovely people who work at Trader Joe’s.