In Real Life

Carlos & Lisa Bloopers!

Carlos & Lisa Bloopers!

Mar 10, 2020 | 8:11pm
You can’t always get it right, and sometimes that’s the best part! Well at least it’s our favorite part.
Addicted to online shopping?

Addicted to online shopping?

Jan 14, 2020 | 6:08am
Spending a little too much time online trying to find that perfect whatever? Are you addicted to online shopping? Carlos and Lisa have some study results that will interest you.
New Years Resolutions – losing weight

New Years Resolutions – losing weight

Jan 14, 2020 | 5:39am
It’s the yearly goal, right? Lose weight to start off a new year. So many of us try to do it every January. But Carlos Amezcua has an interesting look on the annual weight loss attempt. Hear what Lisa Remillard thinks of his plan.
Who should you tip this holiday season?

Who should you tip this holiday season?

Jan 14, 2020 | 3:59am
Lisa Remillard says we should be tipping the people in our lives that help us out the most this holiday season. What should we be tipping those people? Carlos Amezcua joins to discuss.
Why are CVS receipts so long?

Why are CVS receipts so long?

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
You walk into CVS to buy a couple of things. You walk out of CVS holding a receipt that’s 7-feet long. What is going on with that? Why do they insist on giving us so much paper? Is it for the coupons? Because Lisa likes her some coupons…
Cheer Dad

Cheer Dad

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Many parents spend hours helping their kids train for sports. One Dad took it to another level, and of course the cameras were rolling. Carlos Amezcua was also a cheer dad. Did he copy this guy’s fanaticism? There’s one way to find out.