In Real Life

Why did they ruin the ABC song?

Why did they ruin the ABC song?

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Someone thought it would be a good idea to re-create the ABC song. You know the one we all sang as kids? Yeah, that one. Re-do it and make it easier to sing and learn. Or perhaps not. Here’s Carlos and Lisa’s take.
How much should you spend on an engagement ring?

How much should you spend on an engagement ring?

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
It’s finally time to propose. You look and look for that perfect ring. But what’s the right price? We’ve all heard the standards – one month’s salary etc. Is that still the case? How much should someone really spend on an engagement ring? Let Carlos and Lisa weigh in on this one.
Halloween Costumes

Halloween Costumes

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Get your crazy on. Time for Carlos & Lisa to dress up for Halloween. Choices this year? They decided on the Ringmaster of the circus and Steampunk!
Carlos & Lisa talk about their Halloween memories

Carlos & Lisa talk about their Halloween memories

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Does Halloween scare you? Maybe you really scared someone or saw a scary movie that still freaks you out. Carlos and Lisa take a trip down Halloween memory lane. Come along for the ride!
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Carlos has his own version of how Halloween began….
Convincing your boss to let you work from home

Convincing your boss to let you work from home

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Imagine waking up everyday and not having to go into the office. That’s a reality for more and more people. Carlos Amezcua & Lisa Remillard talk about working from home. How could you convince your boss it’s a good idea for you?