In Real Life

Beyond Meat Costume

Beyond Meat Costume

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Want to go meatless for Halloween? We’ve got a good idea for you. has a vegan burger costume that has your name on it. Get Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard’s thoughts on the Beyond Meat costume.
Studies show your cat relationships are real

Studies show your cat relationships are real

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
For cat owners who treat their felines like children, there is now new science to back up those family bonds. Let’s see what Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard have to say about that.
What was your first job?

What was your first job?

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Carlos Amezcua drove across an active runway. Lisa Remillard forgot her name. What about you? What are some of the best and worst moments from your first jobs?
National Taco Day!

National Taco Day!

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Carlos & Lisa discuss the importance of National Taco Day!
Kid Influencers Raking in Subscribers and Money

Kid Influencers Raking in Subscribers and Money

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
Who are the influencers these days? Forget movie stars and TV stars. It’s kids. They’re influencing on all forms of social media. Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard pipe in on the trend.
Weird Things Families Do

Weird Things Families Do

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
All families are weird. But what are some weird things your family does? Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard have a few fun wacky family stories. They both talk about what their parents did to “cure” ailments.
Houseguests Behavior

Houseguests Behavior

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:37pm
You call a friend and ask if you can stay over for a night or two. He or she agrees. That’s just the beginning. What are the rules once you get there? Carlos Amezcua and Lisa Remillard have a few thoughts of their own on this one. What’s appropriate and what is not?